Canada’s Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) offer a pathway to Canadian permanent residence for individuals who are interested in immigrating to a specific Canadian province or territory.Each Canadian province and territory operates its own PNP, designed to meet its specific economic and demographic needs. Many provinces have business immigration options that are part of their Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). If you are interested in business immigration options in one of the provinces listed below, you can review and compare the eligibility requirements in order to learn which is best suited to your circumstances.

List of Canadian Provinces for Business Migration

Alberta is a great place to start a business. Though it is home to the world’s third most liveable city, Calgary, Alberta’s farmlands are where your investment options truly lie. Currently, there is only one investment option available in Alberta – the Self-Employed Farmer Stream.

A. Self-Employed Farmer Stream

Farming skills You must be able to prove that you have farm management skills through:
  • Financial documentation of your existing farm business
  • Documentation proving your work experience, training and education
  • A detailed business plan; and/or
  • Evidence showing that a Canadian financial institution will invest in your business plan
Financial requirements Ability to invest a minimum of CAD 500,000 in a primary production farming business in the province
Investment requirements Submit a detailed business plan highlighting your investment plans which should demonstrate the ability to grow Alberta’s agri-food targets
British Columbia has one of Canada’s most flexible, diverse and competitive economies, making it a prime destination for your new or existing business that you plan to expand. It currently has two investor visa options, the provincial nominee Entrepreneur Immigration Stream and the Regional Pilot Program.

A) British Columbia - Entrepreneur Immigration

Personal requirements
  • Minimum net worth of CAD 600,000
  • Business or management experience
  • Fulfil legal requirements for immigration to Canada
Business requirements
  • Start a new, qualifying business or purchase and improve a business that already exists
  • Invest a minimum of CAD 200,000 in the business
  • Start a business that creates at least one full-time job for a permanent resident or citizen of Canada

B) British Columbia - Regional Pilot

  • Start a new business and settle in a regional community with a population less than 75,000 people
  • Exploratory visit to the community
  • Make minimum investment of CAD 100,000 in a qualifying business
  • Personal net worth of at least CAD 300,000
  • Own at least 51% of the company
  • Business must create at least one new job

If you are looking to start your business in smaller, welcoming communities, this is the province for you. The most suitable business investor stream currently has two investor visa pathways, the Entrepreneur Pathway and the Farm Investor Pathway.

A) Manitoba-Entrepreneur Pathway

Business experience
  • Three years of full-time work experience in the last five years as an active business owner or senior manager of a successful business (Business owners score more points than senior managers)
  • Own at least a third of the business to qualify for points as a business owner
Language ability Score at least Level 5 on the Canadian Language Benchmark test
Age Between 25 and 49
Business investment
  • If business is located in the Manitoba Capital Region, you need to invest at least CAD 250,000
  • If your business is located outside of the Manitoba Capital Region, you need to invest at least CAD 150,000
  • Investment must be made in a qualifying Manitoban business
  • Business must create at least one job for permanent resident or citizen of Canada
Business research visit Complete your business research visit within a year before you submit your application
Adaptability You will score adaptability points if your spouse or common-law partner has either:
  • A Canadian Language Benchmark score of Level 5 or more in the first and second language
  • A close relative who has been living in Manitoba for more than a year
  • Completed at least one year of full-time study at a Manitoban tertiary institution
  • Continuous work experience for six months in Manitoba
Net worth You must have a net worth of at least CAD 500,000
Business performance agreement Once your application is approved, you must sign a Business Performance Agreement

B) Manitoba -Farm Investor Pathway

Farming experience At least three years of farm ownership and operation experience
Language ability Be proficient in either French or English
Investment requirements
  • Farm business must be established in rural Manitoba with minimum investment of at least CAD 300,000
  • Investments must be in tangible assets and farm business plan while applying is necessary
Farm research visit Conduct a farm business research visit in the province
Farm business activities
  • Farm business must have ongoing and recurring activities in rural Manitoba
  • Must live on the farm and be an active participant in the management of the farm
  • Farm business must be in primary agriculture production
  • Conduct value-added farm business activities in the province
Economic adaptability Display that practical farming skills, technical knowledge and experience in technological farming practices can adapt to Manitoba’s primary farm production industry
Net worth Minimum net worth of at least CAD 500,000

A skilled labour force awaits your business in New Brunswick. To start your business in New Brunswick, you will have to meet the requirements for either the Entrepreneurial Stream or the Post-Graduate Entrepreneurial Stream.

A) New Brunswick- Entrepreneurial Stream

  • Business must have a real eligible connection to the province
  • Age should be between 22 and 55 years old
  • Achieved Level 5 or higher in a Canadian Language Benchmark Test in all four categories of the test in either French or English
  • Finished at least two years of tertiary education after completing high school
  • Personal net worth must be verified, and it should be a minimum of CAD 600,000
  • During the past 5 years, you must have at least 3 years of work experience in managing and owning at least 33.3% of a business or you must have 5 consecutive years of work experience in a senior business management role
  • Intention of living in the province permanently while owning and managing your local business
  • Make a minimum investment of at least $250,000 CAD in starting your business

B) New Brunswick Post-Graduate Entrepreneurial Stream

  • Between 22 and 40 years old
  • Reached Canadian Language Benchmark Level 7 or higher in all four categories of the test in either French or English
  • Completed a full-time tertiary degree or diploma of two years at a recognized university or community college in New Brunswick
  • Lived in the province while studying for the qualification mentioned above
  • Managed and owned 100% of a business in the province for a minimum of one year
  • Have a valid post-graduation work permit
  • Show your intention and ability to settle in the province
As one of Canada’s Atlantic provinces, Nova Scotia is in great need of innovative newcomers to start businesses in the province. There are currently two entrepreneur options available in Nova Scotia.

A) Nova Scotia - Entrepreneur

  • At least 21 years old
  • Intention to live in the province permanently while actively managing and owning your business
  • Personal net worth must be CAD 600,000 minimum
  • Ability to make a CAD 150,000 investment in your intended business
  • Minimum of three years of experience in managing and owning at least one-third of a business or you must have at least five years of experience in a senior management position
  • Canadian Language Benchmark Level 5 or higher in all four categories of the test in either French or English
  • Complete online Expression of Interest in the province
  • An Invitation to Apply from Nova Scotia immigration

B) Nova Scotia - International Graduate

  • Intention to live in the province permanently while actively managing and owning your business
  • Managed and owned 100% of a business in the province for a minimum of one year
  • Completed a full-time tertiary degree or diploma of two years duration at a recognized university or community college in Nova Scotia
  • Reached Canadian Language Benchmark Level 7 or higher in all four categories of the test in either French or English
  • Valid post-graduation work permit
  • Completed online Expression of Interest in the province
  • An Invitation to Apply from Nova Scotia immigration
The Northwest Territories are home to an eager and well-trained workforce and has the fastest growing GDP in Canada. The government here recognizes the importance of business investment and has since created several incentive programs for business and investment.

A) Northwest Territories - Business Stream

Investment requirements Commit to one of the following investments:
  • At least CAD 300,000 in buying or starting a business within the corporate boundaries of Yellowknife; or
  • At least CAD 150,000 in buying or starting a business outside of the corporate boundaries of Yellowknife
Net worth requirements Ablility to prove that you have a personal net worth of:
  • CAD 500,000 minimum to start or buy a business within the corporate boundaries of Yellowknife
  • CAD 250,000 minimum to start or buy a business outside of the corporate boundaries of Yellowknife, and
  • CAD 75,000 for a deposit of good faith to the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment once your application has been accepted
Personal requirements You must:
  • Own at least one-third of the business or if you own less than that, you must have invested at least CAD 1,000,000 in the business
  • Have Canadian Language Benchmark Level 5 in either English or French
  • Have demonstrable knowledge and understanding of the territory’s economy to ensure that your business brings growth to the region
  • Be able to complete at least one business trip to the territory to research its business environment
  • Have the experience and qualifications to successfully implement your business plan, and
  • Have the intention to settle in the Northwest Territories full-time
Newfoundland and Labrador have developing tech industries and the landscape lends itself to adventure and ecotourism opportunities. There are currently two new Investor and Entrepreneur options available to those hoping to start a business in Newfoundland and Labrador – the International Entrepreneur and International Graduate Entrepreneur streams.

A) Newfoundland & Labrador - International Entrepreneur

Personal Requirements You must:
  • Be between 21 and 59 years old
  • Submit a verified business plan
  • Have completed high school
  • Intend to live in the province permanently while owning and managing a local business with the potential of bringing economic benefit to the local communities
  • Participate in the active and ongoing management of the business
  • Have a personal net worth of CAD 600,000
  • Be able to invest a minimum of CAD 200,000 in establishing your business that you earn at least a third of
  • Create at least one job for a permanent resident or citizen of Canada
  • Show your business is for profit with the primary purpose of making a profit through providing services or selling goods
  • Have a minimum of two years’ experience in managing and owning a business during the past five years or five years of experience in a senior management role during the past five years
  • Have at least Level 5 in all four categories of the Canadian language benchmark test in either French or English
  • Complete an Expression of Interest
  • Receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) from Newfoundland and Labrador immigration
Business Requirements The business must:
  • Meet legal standards
  • Be seen as a permanent establishment as defined by the Canadian Income Tax regulations
  • Bring economic growth to the province
Additional Requirements When Starting a Business If you plan to start a business, you must create at least one position for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. This position must:
  • Be in addition to your own position
  • Be directly related to the business
  • Be in line with the wage standards of the community
Additional Requirements When Buying a Business You must:
  • Buy a business that has been in continuous operation by the same owner for the past five years
  • Complete an exploratory visit to meet the current owners of the business
  • Buy a business that is in active operation
  • Offer similar employment conditions to the existing staff
  • Show that effort was made to provide a fair market value for the business
Partnership Requirements If your intention is to enter a partnership with several applicants (maximum of 10 per application), each of you who want permanent residence through the partnership must:
  • Invest a minimum of CAD 200,000 in the partnership and own at least one-third of the company; or
  • Invest a minimum of CAD 1,000,000

B) Newfoundland & Labrador - International Graduate Entrepreneur

Personal Requirements You must:
  • Be at least 21 years of age
  • Submit a verified business plan
  • Have at least Level 7 in all four categories of the Canadian language benchmark test in either French or English
  • Have a valid post-graduation work permit
  • Intend to live in the province permanently while owning and managing a local business with the potential of bringing economic benefit to the local communities
  • Have at least one year’s experience in actively managing and owning the current business (at least one-third of the business)
  • Create at least one job for a permanent resident or citizen of Canada
  • Show your business is for profit with the primary purpose of making a profit through providing services or selling goods
  • Have at least level seven in all four categories of the Canadian language benchmark test in either French or English
  • Complete an Expression of Interest
  • Receive an Invitation to Apply from Newfoundland and Labrador immigration
Business Requirements The business must:
  • Be created as a career objective, not for the sole purpose of immigration
  • Meet legal standards
  • Be seen as a permanent establishment as defined by the Canadian Income Tax regulations
  • Be able to bring economic growth to the province
Additional Requirements When Starting a Business If you plan to start a business, you must create at least one position for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. This position must:
  • Be in addition to your own position
  • Be directly related to the business
  • Be in line with the wage standards of the community
Additional Requirements When Buying a Business You must:
  • Buy a business that has been in continuous operation by the same owner for the past five years
  • Complete an exploratory visit to meet the current owners of the business
  • Buy a business that is in active operation
  • Offer similar employment conditions to the existing staff
  • Show that effort was made to provide a fair market value for the business
Partnership Requirements If your intention is to enter a partnership with several applicants (maximum of 3 per application), all of the applicants who want permanent residency must own at least a third of the business
In Ontario, your business will also enjoy lower overhead costs compared to other business centres in the U.S. If you would like to acquire a Canadian permanent residency by starting, investing or purchasing a business in Ontario, you will have two options to choose from – the Ontario Corporate Stream and the Ontario Entrepreneur Stream.

A) Ontario - Corporate Stream

Business Applicant Requirements

The applicant’s business must:

  • Have been established at least three years before the application is submitted
  • Be of a qualifying structure
  • Invest at least CAD 5 million in expanding into Ontario or buy a business that already exists in the province
Job Creation Requirements

The business must create 5 full-time positions for permanent residents or citizens of Canada per key staff position.

The positions must:

  • Be permanent, full-time positions; and
  • Be paid above or at the average wage level for the type of work
Business Requirements

The new business must:

  • Be clearly linked to the parent company as a subsidiary, branch or affiliate
  • Be a for-profit business through the sale of goods and services
  • Have a primary income source from active, earned income
  • Meet the legal standards and regulations of the area
  • Be considered as a permanent business in the province
Key Staff Requirements

Your business may need a maximum of five key staff members to start the venture and these staff members may be considered for Canadian permanent residence, if they meet the requirements.

The key staff must:

  • Play an essential role in starting the business
  • All be in a senior, executive, management or specialized knowledge position in your company
  • Have a minimum of three years of experience in the intended occupation in your company within the last five years
  • Have been working in that position continuously for a year immediately before you submitted your application
  • Not have a family connection with anyone who has more than 10% equity in the company
  • Not hold any equity in your company unless it is less than 10% and part of the remuneration package of their employment contract; and
  • Have full-time, permanent jobs that follow the wage standard of Ontario

B) Ontario - Entrepreneur Stream

  • Have three years of business experience within the last five years
  • Business experience must be as a senior manager or business owner with an active role in the business
Net Worth If your proposed business is:
  • In the Greater Toronto Area, you must have a net worth of at least CAD 1,500,000
  • Anywhere else in Ontario, you must have a net worth of at least CAD 800,000
  • In the information and communications sector, you must have a net worth of at least CAD 800,000 regardless of its location
Investment Requirements If your proposed business is:
  • In the Greater Toronto Area, you must control at least a third of the company and you need to invest a minimum of CAD 1,000,000 in it
  • Anywhere else in Ontario, you must control at least a third of the company and you need to invest a minimum of CAD 500,000 in it, or
  • In the information and communications sector, you must control at least a third of the company and you need to invest a minimum of CAD 500,000 in it regardless of its location
Involvement You must be actively involved in the daily management of the business.
Business Requirements Your business must:
  • Be a for-profit business that generates income through the sale of goods and services
  • Meet all the legal requirements of Canada and Ontario
  • Be a permanent business
  • Be located in the province at all times and
  • Create a minimum of two permanent full-time jobs for permanent residents or citizens of Canada within its first 20 months and they must be paid according to wage standards of Ontario
Additional Requirements for Buying an Existing Business If you want to buy an existing business in the province, you must:
  • Make a business visit to the province within a year of submitting your Expression of Interest
  • Buy a business that has been owned by the same owner(s) for the past five years
  • Ensure that the business is completely transferred to you or any other business partner
  • Use some of your personal investment in improving and expanding your business in the province, and
  • Continue to employ all the employees who worked in the business before you bought it

The Government of PEI, recognizing the importance of new business development, offers many supportive initiatives, like the Ignition Fund to entrepreneurs looking to start a new business in the province. The Prince Edward Island Work Permit is currently the only business visa option in the province.

A) Prince Edward Island - Work Permit Stream

  • Net worth of at least CAD 600,000
  • Graduated from high school or some other secondary school equivalent
  • Between 21 and 59 years old
  • Able to transfer your management skills, past employment or business ownership experience to your new business in Prince Edward Island
  • Have at least Canadian Language Benchmark Level 4 in either English or French
  • Have the intention to live and work in the province permanently
  • Play an active role in the daily activities and ongoing management of the business

With the lowest provincial tax in Canada and large reserves of resources, your business will enjoy lower operating costs in Saskatchewan. You should also consider starting a business in this prairie province because it has the third largest percentage of young workers in Canada.

A) Saskatchewan - Entrepreneur Category

Minimum Entry Criteria You must:
  • Have a minimum net worth of CAD 500,000
  • Have at least three years of business management or entrepreneurial experience gained within the past 10 years, and
  • Have the intention to invest at least CAD 300,000 if your business is located in Regina or Saskatoon. If it is located anywhere else, you only need to make a CAD 200,000 investment
Business Establishment Plan requirements Your Business Establishment Plan must include:
  • A plan to start a business in Saskatchewan
  • Ownership of minimum one-third of the business unless you invest at least $1,000,000 CAD in the business
  • Commitment to play an active and ongoing role in the daily management of the business and
  • Creation of two jobs for permanent residents or citizens of Canada in Saskatchewan if your new business is in Regina or Saskatoon

B) Saskatchewan - Farm Owner & Operator Category

  • Must have a personal net worth of CAD 500,000 or more
  • Must sign a performance agreement showing your commitment to buying and actively operating a farm in Saskatchewan
  • Must complete an exploratory visit to the province for at least five working days
  • Need to be able to prove that you have farm operation knowledge and experience
  • Need to have a proposal for a commercial farming opportunity

C) Saskatchewan - Farm Owners & Operators (Young Farmer Stream)

  • Must have a personal net worth of CAD 300,000 or more
  • Must be younger than 40
  • Must have a minimum of three years of experience in farm ownership, farm management or practical farming experience
  • Must submit a proposal for a commercial farming opportunity in Saskatchewan
  • You or your spouse must be employable so that you can supplement your farming income

The Government of Yukon has identified the film, forestry, technology, mining, oil, gas and tourism sectors as the primary business sectors of the province. A business targeting one of these sectors will have a great chance of success.

A) Yukon - Business Nominee Program

Personal Requirements

You must:

  • Score at least 65 on the points assessment grid
  • Have graduated from high school
  • Have three years of experience as an entrepreneur or business manager or five years of relevant work experience
  • Not be a refugee
  • Have no pending applications for any other provincial or territorial nominee program
  • Have a minimum net worth of CAD 500,000, at least CAD 300,000 needs to be in liquid assets
  • Have the intention to permanently settle in Yukon
  • Be able to show that you can make a minimum CAD 300,000 investment in capita
Business Requirements

Your business must:

  • Be new or purchased from previous owners
  • Be managed by you
  • Not be a passive investment and
    Be part of one of the following sectors:
    • Information Technology
    • Manufacturing
    • Value-added processing
    • Forestry
    • Tourism products, attractions, services and facilities
    • Energy
    • Mining or mineral development
    • Agriculture
    • Cultural industries or
    • Film and video production

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